From the Heart of Mercy

Calling on God for Healing
The term epiclesis is a Greek word that means “invocation”, the calling upon God in prayer. Usually, we use it in reference to calling upon the Holy Spirit. We read in the Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Epiclesis ("invocation upon") is the intercession in...

Healing: The Role of Religion during the Pandemic

Mother Catherine and the “Little Virtues”

A Gaze Transformed by Charity

Becoming Saints Today: Unlocking the Present Moment

Offering the Present Moment for Lent

Carried to Jesus | World Day of the Sick 2021

Easy Steps for Better Health in 5-2-1-0

Heart Awareness for Valentine’s Day

Ancient Remedy Cures Sclerokardia

Bread of Heaven Made the Food of Men

O Sacred Banquet

2021: Do Not Be Afraid

“Natural” Does NOT Mean Safe: Watch Out for Supplements

Worried about the COVID Holiday Blues?

A Grateful Heart is a Healthy Heart

Research Dangerous to Humans: Can We Gene Edit Embryos for Research?

Move Your Way to Better Health

Herd Immunity Best Achieved through Vaccination

O Great Mystery

Principles for Choosing COVID 19 Vaccines

The Infant Gaze of Jesus

The Importance of Working for Ethical Vaccines

‘Til He Appeared and the Soul Felt its Worth