March is sleep awareness month. Sleep is essential for good health and overall well-being, and disrupted sleep can have significant adverse effects. A common sleep disorder is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Those affected by OSA have episodes of decreased breathing...
Simple Steps Improve Sleep
We all know from experience how disrupted sleep affects our lives. Being unable to fall asleep or stay asleep can be a frustrating experience. Over the counter sleep aids can have dangerous side effects and lead to a disrupted sleep pattern when you take them...
Bound and Held Fast in Christ
As we pass through these days of Lent, the Church places before our eyes the image of the beloved son. First, Abraham is asked to offer Isaac, who is the beloved son of Abraham’s old age. This offering in worship was a holocaust to the Lord, but the angel of the...
Venerable Catherine McAuley: The Reluctant Nun
See this new interview about Venerable Mother Catherine McAuley, Foundress of the Religious Sisters of Mercy with Sr. Yvonne Mary Loucks, RSM, and Sr. Mary Cora Uryase, RSM. Catherine McAuley's life never turned out how she thought it would. As a child, her life was...
Jesus Tempted in the Desert for Us
“Christ suffered for you to give you an example of how to follow in His footsteps.”[i] This word “example,” hypogrammon (ὑπογραμμὸν), means “a writing-copy, an example, pattern.”[ii] One way that Jesus gave us an example is in the temptations he faced in the...
Healing: The Role of Religion during the Pandemic
Listen to Healing: The Role of Religion during the Pandemic Sister Grace Miriam Usala, RSM, MS, MD First presented | February 24, 2021 Saint Francis Xavier Home of Mercy in Tulsa, Oklahoma Divorced from religion, the healing process is often imperfect. This is...
Mother Catherine and the “Little Virtues”
How can you grow in your spiritual life? How can you integrate that growth with your everyday experiences, choices, and relationships? Venerable Catherine McAuley not only taught this, but she exemplified how to do so by taking one step at a time towards growing in...
A Gaze Transformed by Charity
At the beginning of 2021, we find ourselves amid a great pandemic from COVID-19. Thousands of persons from every country in the world have lost their lives or have become severely impaired and unable to carry on with the life they had known before their illness. ...
Becoming Saints Today: Unlocking the Present Moment
Listen to this Lenten presentation by Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM, of St Andrew's Convent in Edinburgh of the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan. Organized by the Catechetics Commission of the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, this is the first...
Offering the Present Moment for Lent
Every year Christians should consider how they may grow closer to the Lord during the time of Lent. While the grace to even desire conversion first comes from the Lord drawing us to Himself, many times individuals will consider different practices to help turn their...