Each year, the Holy Father publishes a letter for the World Day of the Sick. For this 32nd World Day of the Sick, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, focuses on healing and relationships. Here are some excerpts:
“Let us look to the icon of the Good Samaritan”
Brothers and sisters, the first form of care needed in any illness is compassionate and loving closeness. To care for the sick thus means above all to care for their relationships, all of them: with God, with others – family members, friends, healthcare workers – , with creation and with themselves. Can this be done? Yes, it can be done and all of us are called to ensure that it happens. Let us look to the icon of the Good Samaritan (cf. Lk 10:25-37), to his ability to slow down and draw near to another person, to the tender love with which he cares for the wounds of a suffering brother.[i]
“We came into the world because someone welcomed us”
Let us remember this central truth in life: we came into the world because someone welcomed us; we were made for love; and we are called to communion and fraternity. This aspect of our lives is what sustains us, above all at times of illness and vulnerability. It is also the first therapy that we must all adopt in order to heal the diseases of the society in which we live.
To those of you who experience illness, whether temporary or chronic, I would say this: Do not be ashamed of your longing for closeness and tenderness! Do not conceal it, and never think that you are a burden on others. The condition of the sick urges all of us to step back from the hectic pace of our lives in order to rediscover ourselves.[ii]
In celebration of the World Day of the Sick, Sacred Heart Mercy Heath Care Center invites you to join us for the 32nd World Day of the Sick Thursday, February 8, 2024, 2 – 4 pm. Patients in Alma and surrounding areas may receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick for Catholics or a Blessing for non-Catholics. RSVP to notices@sacredheartmercy.org or call 989-463-3451 or scan the QR code.
[i] Pope Francis. “32th World Day of the Sick 2024: ‘It Is Not Good That Man Should Be Alone’. Healing the Sick by Healing Relationships.” 32th World Day of the Sick 2024 | Francis, January 10, 2024. https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/sick/documents/20240110-giornata-malato.html.
[ii] Ibid.
Posted for the 32nd World Day of the Sick
February 11, 2024