Why Mercy

We learn in Scripture that Christians are exhorted to show mercy in the face of the suffering of others and God shows us His mercy above all in the passion, death and resurrection of His Incarnate Son. The cross is not just a moment in time that the Church is called to stand witness to but a supernatural reality that we all participate in through our sufferings in life. The mercy of God and the mercy that men extend to one another in our daily crosses is at the heart of the Christian mystery. As Christians, God expects each of us to stand present to suffering with merciful love, just as He stands present to us on the cross. As Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, we particularly live out this call to mercy through the Church’s works in healthcare and our work at the Sacred Heart Mercy Health Care Clinic.
About the Religious Sisters of Mercy
Founded in Ireland in 1827 by Venerable Catherine McAuley on the feast of Our Lady of Mercy, the Sisters of Mercy have spread around the world with a particular focus serving the poor, sick and ignorant through healthcare and education. On September 1, 1973, the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma MI, were founded committing themselves to Mother Catherine McAuleys vision in the service of Mercy.
An attitude of Mercy is evident through the Religious Sisters of Mercy’s communal life of prayerful service and contemplation. God’s abundant mercy embraces and transforms the Sister’s own suffering into a healing grace for her, compelling her to give this mercy to others, remaining present to those she encounters in their sufferings. The Sisters strive for the perfection of love in order to reveal the “Father of Mercies,” seeking and showing Christ’s command “to be merciful as your Father is merciful” (2 Cor 1:3; Lk 6:36).

Mercy Through Healthcare
The unique works of the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma flow from the gifts entrusted to Venerable Catherine and the Vow of Service of the poor, sick and ignorant that each Sister of Mercy professes. The ways in which a Sister of Mercy of Alma, MI serves Holy Mother Church are various, with a focus in healthcare and education. The Sacred Heart Mercy Healt Care Clinic provides the model for the Sisters of Mercy’s service in healthcare. A model that is being developed not just in Michigan but around the United States and greater world.

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Rural Parish Clinic Of The Archdiocese Of St. Louis