From the Heart of Mercy

To Gather into One All the Scattered Children of God
Do you think he will not come to the feast; the Jewish leaders ask each other.[i] This question in the Gospel according to St. John, is posed by the Jewish leaders because Jesus is no longer going about in public. He knows, in fact, that they plan to kill Him. [ii]...

With a Father’s Heart

The Providential Love of God

Is it the End of the World as We Know It?

The Pledge of Future Glory

Of Her was Born Jesus, Who is Called Christ

Awake, O Sleeper and Christ Will Shine on You

The Desire of the Ages

Christ’s Coming in Our Time

Recovering the Ability to See

What’s in a Name? Mary, Gate of Heaven and House of God

And Now for the Good News

Mobile Mercy Response

His Mercy Endures Forever

Stay Home if You are Sick: How Quarantine Measures Work

In Prayer and Service

The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns

Serving in a Pandemic: A Witness to Mercy

To Be Pro-Life is to be Pro-Science

I Am Sick – Which COVID Test Do I Need?

Reducing Transmission of COVID-19: Why Wearing a Mask Matters

Finding Time for the Necessary Things

The Death of a Foundress, Venerable Catherine McAuley

The Spirituality of Venerable Catherine McAuley