A Living Sacrifice of Praise

“Christian prayer is a covenant relationship between God and man in Christ. It is the action of God and of man, springing forth from both the Holy Spirit and ourselves, wholly directed to the Father, in union with the human will of the Son of God made man. …[P]rayer is the living relationship of the children of God with their Father who is good beyond measure, with his Son Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit. The grace of the Kingdom is ‘the union of the entire holy and royal Trinity … with the whole human spirit.’ Thus, the life of prayer is the habit of being in the presence of the thrice-holy God and in communion with him. This communion of life is always possible because, through Baptism, we have already been united with Christ” (CCC 2564-2565).

This section of the blog is dedicated to topics related to prayer, worship, and liturgy.

Christ was Born for This

Christ was Born for This

Emmanuel, God-with-us, by wedding the divine nature to a human nature, is born in time.  A baby is born to die; the king will reign from the cross; the Savior destroys death by dying on the cross.  His conception and birth herald the dawning of our redemption. His...

Receive Christ the King

Receive Christ the King

In this time with so many difficult things happening, the pandemic, financial instability, political conflict, and wars, many people are asking if these are the end times.  In many ways, there will be conflict and peace will not be finally established until the coming...

Purified By Jesus Christ

Purified By Jesus Christ

What is common about the saints in heaven and the souls in purgatory?  They will share the heavenly homeland.  Yes, while the saints live seeing God face to face, those in purgatory (the Church Suffering) are destined for this glory and blessedness.  Those in...

“Give Me a Free Hand”

“Give Me a Free Hand”

"Give me a free hand;" this is the reported response that Jesus gave to Saint Margaret Mary when she asked, "What must I do?"[i]  This is how saints are made.  For it is of His fullness, we have received grace upon grace.[ii]  For each of us there are but two options...

Victory Through His Wounds

Victory Through His Wounds

In September, the Church celebrates tremendous feast days. We turn our attention to the Triumph of the Cross and Our Lady of Sorrows.  St. Bernard writes beautifully of the power of the contemplation of the wounds of the Lord; it is through these wounds and the...

Prelude to the Incarnation

Prelude to the Incarnation

In his is commentary on the Song of Songs, Saint Bernard speaks of the Lord as “leaping” and “drawing near the wall” in the Incarnation when he takes on human flesh.  “He drew near the wall, therefore, when he joined himself to our flesh.  Our flesh is the wall, and...

The Healing Power of Jesus

The Healing Power of Jesus

Immediately her issue of blood stopped.  Looking about, Jesus asks, “Who touched me, for I know that power has gone forth.” The woman with the hemorrhages is a story that is found in each of the synoptic gospels (Matthew 9:20–22, Mark 5:25–34, Luke 8:43–48).  This...

No More Eloquent Witness

No More Eloquent Witness

Every Christian is called to surrender his or her life for Jesus Christ.  In the gospels, we read that he who would gain his life must lose it, and he that loses his life will keep it safe unto eternal life.  This may be in small, little deaths or in the most eloquent...

Devotion to the Sacred Heart

Devotion to the Sacred Heart

In the Catholic Church, the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. You may have noticed that many clinics and medical initiatives bear the name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, such as our Sacred Heart Mercy Healthcare Center. Names are meaningful and,...

Take Jesus as the Way

Take Jesus as the Way

The month of June finds us celebrating the Solemnities of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Jesus commands us, as we heard in the Gospel of Sunday, "Take it; this is my body."  He is the way, the truth, and the life; He gives us...