A Living Sacrifice of Praise

“Christian prayer is a covenant relationship between God and man in Christ. It is the action of God and of man, springing forth from both the Holy Spirit and ourselves, wholly directed to the Father, in union with the human will of the Son of God made man. …[P]rayer is the living relationship of the children of God with their Father who is good beyond measure, with his Son Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit. The grace of the Kingdom is ‘the union of the entire holy and royal Trinity … with the whole human spirit.’ Thus, the life of prayer is the habit of being in the presence of the thrice-holy God and in communion with him. This communion of life is always possible because, through Baptism, we have already been united with Christ” (CCC 2564-2565).

This section of the blog is dedicated to topics related to prayer, worship, and liturgy.

His Kind of Healing

His Kind of Healing

“Stretch out your hand,”[i] He commanded.  As the man stretched, the shriveled hand became tone and supple.  Where there was only weakness and deformity a moment before, now there was restored health.[ii]  Jesus had cured many and, as a result, those who had diseases...

God Takes Notice

God Takes Notice

“Can a woman forget her nursing child, or show no compassion for the child of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.”[i]  Working as a nurse practitioner and in pastoral care, I have had the privilege of attending to the needs of families who have...

Calling on God for Healing

Calling on God for Healing

The term epiclesis is a Greek word that means “invocation”, the calling upon God in prayer.  Usually, we use it in reference to calling upon the Holy Spirit.  We read in the Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Epiclesis ("invocation upon") is the intercession in...