In His Image

We read in Psalm 8, “What is man that you should care for him?” Made little lower than the angels, the human person is a composite being made of both body and soul. This soul is the form or the organizing principle of the body. It is from this immaterial soul, with its attendant powers of intellect and will, that every man and woman most fully expresses the image of God within them.

This section of the blog is dedicated to anthropology, human nature, and metaphysics (how we understand being itself as human persons).

Condescension of Compassion

Condescension of Compassion

Consummatum est.  It is finished.  Jesus, our King born to die, now finishes his course.  Completing His sacrifice in adoration of the Father’s will, His high priestly act, we receive of his fullness, grace upon grace, the cause of our salvation and all grace.  Let us...