One of Mother Catherine’s Little Virtue is forbearance, with an accent to “enduring all things.” The virtue of forbearance helps us to exercise self-control and to put our actions into the right order. How can we also put this into the context of medicine? Let me...
On Touching Jesus with Faith
After the Resurrection, there are several accounts of appearances of the risen and glorified Lord to the Apostles. The Lord Jesus invites them to touch His Body and believe in the Resurrection. For this third Sunday of Easter, we hear this invitation again, “Then he...
The Risen Day of Splendor
“And behold, Jesus met them and said, ‘Greetings!’ And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.’”[i] The Risen Lord meets the faithful...
Condescension of Compassion
Consummatum est. It is finished. Jesus, our King born to die, now finishes his course. Completing His sacrifice in adoration of the Father’s will, His high priestly act, we receive of his fullness, grace upon grace, the cause of our salvation and all grace. Let us...
Today in the New Jerusalem
“And Jesus said unto them, ‘With desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer…’”[i] Holy Thursday is properly the celebration of the institution of the Most Holy Eucharist, the Body and Blood of the Lord. With His face set like flint toward...
The Cross Revealed as the Tree of Life
Entering Holy Week, we are called to participate in the mystery of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ with our whole person—mind and heart, soul and body. In allowing ourselves to accompany our Crucified Lord, we can glimpse the immensity of God’s...
The Consent of Mary
The Solemnity of the Annunciation reflects the profound reality of the mystery of the Incarnation in its first moment as the Blessed Virgin
gives her consent, “Let it be done (fiat in Latin) unto me as you have said.” In her Fiat, Mary says yes to the plan of the Incarnation and Redemption for all of us for all time, from the patriarchs that died before the coming of Christ to all persons who will ever live.
Encountering the Living Water
A woman walks along a hot, dusty road. She is thirsty. Walking out from her town, up the hill to draw water again, is a drudgery. As she hears, “Give me a drink,” she focuses on the man before her, surprised to find anyone here at this time of the day. She...
The Vessel: Story of an Encounter with Jesus
Blind… Born blind… Bound by the ancient curse. Sitting, listening to the world within and the world around. A beggar crying out silently to God from the depths: “O God, save me, have mercy on me.” The question comes into my ear: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his...
Little Virtue: Humility in Medicine
Mother Catherine McAuley taught her Sisters that their growth each day depended on the little moments and choices they made, from rising to dressing to eating, what she called the “perfection of the ordinary act”. She pointed out to her Sisters particular “little...