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Mobile Mercy Response

Mobile Mercy Response

As Religious Sisters of Mercy, our Sisters profess a fourth vow of service to the poor, sick and ignorant in addition to the three vows professed by all Religious: poverty, chastity and obedience.  As an expression of this fourth vow of service, some of our Sister...

His Mercy Endures Forever

His Mercy Endures Forever

In what kind of world did Venerable Catherine McAuley live? It is an important question to reflect on because we are living two hundred years later in a world born from that one. The turmoil and societal struggles of both centuries are remarkably similar. Mother...

In Prayer and Service

In Prayer and Service

Our Sisters in Tulsa, Oklahoma serve in the Saint Francis Health System in many capacities.  With a convent attached to the main hospital, the Sisters are a visible presence and a calm reminder of God's love and care for each person, staff and patients alike.  The...

Finding Time for the Necessary Things

Finding Time for the Necessary Things

This opportunity has passed, but you can visit Sister Anna Marie McGuan's FaceBook page to hear other podcasts       For those who are looking for opportunities to grow in the life of faith and prayer this November, join sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM,...