by Sister Mary Sarah Macht, RSM, MSN, FNP-BC | ~ All ~, A Living Sacrifice of Praise
The Sacred Heart of Jesus celebrates the Incarnation of the Son of God as the mystery of His love. God does not change, nor does His love. All that exists does so because He loves it, and because it first is existed in Him. As we read in Psalm 33:11, “…the plans of...
by Sister Mary Sarah Macht, RSM, MSN, FNP-BC | ~ All ~, To Your Health
“A magnificent symphony,”[i] has been used to describe the interplay of hormones in the woman’s body which allows for a “fertile window” in which conception of a new life as possible each month. Listen as Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM, speaks with Sister Mary Gretchen...
by Sister Mary Sarah Macht, RSM, MSN, FNP-BC | Heart of the Matter
See these resources for the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, 6th Ed. Image Credit: National Cancer Institute. “Child Treated in ICU.” WikiMedia Commons, January 21, 2013....
by Sister Mary Sarah Macht, RSM, MSN, FNP-BC | Featured
Sacred Heart Mercy Health Care Clinic is accepting new patients for Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, and Women’s and Fertility Care. Call the clinic at 989-463-3451 to schedule. Internal Medicine: Sister Teresa Mary Kozlovski, MD / Sister Mary Sarah Macht, FNP...
by Sister Mary Sarah Macht, RSM, MSN, FNP-BC | ~ All ~, A Living Sacrifice of Praise, Featured
The term epiclesis is a Greek word that means “invocation”, the calling upon God in prayer. Usually, we use it in reference to calling upon the Holy Spirit. We read in the Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Epiclesis (“invocation upon”) is the...