by Sister Mary Sarah Macht, RSM, MSN, FNP-BC | ~ All ~, Healing Language of Beauty
“O great mystery, and wondrous sacrament, that animals should see the newborn Lord, lying in their manger! Blessed is the Virgin whose womb was worthy to bear the Lord Jesus Christ. Alleluia!” Let us allow ourselves to be enveloped in the reality of this...
by Sister Mary Sarah Macht, RSM, MSN, FNP-BC | ~ All ~, A Living Sacrifice of Praise
The transforming power of the gaze of Jesus…Love’s Vision This Christmas, I offer this reflection taken from a book written by Archbishop Luiz Martinez called Only Jesus. The first chapter of the book is called Love’s Vision. Let yourself be immersed in...
by Sister Mary Sarah Macht, RSM, MSN, FNP-BC | ~ All ~, Featured, Heart of the Matter
Read this fascinating article about the research that lead to how messenger RNA (mRNA) was developed and then employed by Derrick Rossi to change adult stem cells to act like pluripotent embryonic cells. This is some of the research and development that has led to...
by Sister Mary Sarah Macht, RSM, MSN, FNP-BC | ~ All ~, In His Image
During Advent and Christmastide, which continues until the Baptism of the Lord, the Liturgy of the Church is rich with some of the most powerful readings of the year regarding the Incarnation, the plan of God to save man. For example, Pope St. Leo the Great writes a...
by Sister Mary Sarah Macht, RSM, MSN, FNP-BC | ~ All ~, Healing Language of Beauty
O come, Thou Wisdom from on high, Who orderest all things mightily; To us the path of knowledge show, And teach us in her ways to go. As we spoke of in the previous post, the cry of the ages was for a Redeemer to come and save us. The book of Sirach Chapter 24...