A Hymn of Mary Magdalene: Lord, Show us Your Face

By Sister Mary Sarah Macht, RSM, MSN, FNP-BC

Filled with love, Mary Magdalene stood beneath the cross.  Despite the risks and shame, her love held firm.  Since Jesus delivered her from her demon captures, healing her of sin with its inheritance of death, she was His own.  “Slipping between soul and spirit, joint and marrow, Jesus filled her heart with a love so pure that [Mary] hung on His word ever since.”[i]  Now while it was still dark, Mary went to the tomb to anoint and care for the body of Jesus.  Impelled by love, faithful to her love, through streaming tears, she turns at the sound of her name.  When Jesus speaks her name, she recognizes him as her teacher and her love.

We too have been Delivered

Jesus also loves us this way.  In our baptism, Jesus delivered us from the devil, healing us of original sin with its inheritance of death.  He has entered our heart and filled us with His own love.  Jesus is always calling us by name ever closer to His own heart.

A Meditation for the Feast of St Mary Magdalene

This hymn from the Summit Hymnal, with its beautiful lyrics, provides a source for a beautiful meditation:

Ordained from all eternity the Son of God to meet,

The blessed Mary Magdalene in her sin knew defeat.

The power of God in her did show,

As Christ turned crimson white as snow.

              Lord, show us Your face:

              When we sin, call us by name.

In Mary we see fear o’ercome; in hope she did persist

To seek the Master, Lord of lords, Whom no man can resist.

When asked “Who are you looking for?”,

Desire won her the Risen Lord,

              Oh, show us Your face,

              When we seek, call us by name.

When You, O Christ, stand by our side but You do not see,

Then join us to the Magdalen; Your healing voice will free.

The world grows dim before Your light,

Our hearts are vanquished at Your sight.

               Lord, show us Your face;

              When we hope, call us by name.

Praise to the Father and the Son, praise to the Spirit blest

Who has implanted in our hearts desire that knows no rest.

May we delight the Lord above

As those who will wait for His love.

              Lord, show us Your Face;

When we love, call us by name.[ii]


Image credit:

Alexander IvanovAppearance of Jesus Christ to Maria Magdalena, 1835

[i] Werley, Father Paul. “Homily for Easter Vigil 2022: How Beautiful upon the Mountains Are the Feet of Him That Brings Good Tidings,” Easter Vigil Mass. Homily presented at the Easter Vigil Mass, April 16, 2022.

[ii] The Dominican Nuns of Summit, ed. “Feast of St Mary Magdalene.” Essay. In The Summit Choirbook, 333. Summit, NJ: The Dominican Nuns Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary, 1983.  ©Text: DNS / Tune: UNE VIERGE FECONDE, French carol melody, 16th century, © harmony by DNS



Posted for the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene 2023



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